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LGBTQ+ slang dictionary/words

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Slang dictionary If you have always wanted to know what those popular slang words, dating abbreviations, acronyms and slang terms mean that everyone uses but were too shy to ask, or if you wanted to know where they came from, then our LGBTQ+ dictionary is your answer.
Warning: please note that some terms may be used in a sexual and/or depractory context.
If you know of any LGBTQ+ slang words or LGBTQ+ terms we don't have listed, please let us know, thanks.

We have a total of 600 words listed.

This is the LGBTQ+ dictionary, if you have any words that you can add let us know.
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Sixty-nine (he would like to give and receive BJs at the same time).


Abrosexuality refers to an individual whose sexuality is fluid or changing. An abrosexual person may be a specific sexuality one day and another the next.

An abbreviation for asexual. As a general word, ace also has the connotation of one capable of mastering expertise on their own or of standing out from the crowd as a maverick.

An orientation that fluctuates across the ace spectrum.

A disconnection is felt towards the subject of arousal (ace spectrum).

Non-binary, also known as genderqueer, is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine?—?identities that are outside the gender binary.

AIDS Terrorist
Someone who is HIV+ and who knowingly engages in unsafe sex.

In Singapore, AJ stands for gay.

Also Known As.

Term used to describe a person who experiences sexual attraction and does not identify as asexual, Sometimes shortened to allo.

Alternative Sex (refers to kinky sex and fetishes like BDSM).

A slang term that can alternately mean bisexual, the state of being attracted to two or more genders; unisex, being used by or suitable for any gender; or having characteristics shared by male and female genders (especially sexual characteristics). For example: “Pat is pretty ambisextrous. They date men and women and they also look great in tight dresses or tailored tuxedos.”

Anal sex.

An androgynous person, as one whose appearance is neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine

Androphilia and gynephilia are terms used in behavioural science to describe sexual orientation, as an alternative to a gender binary homosexual and heterosexual conceptualisation. Androphilia describes sexual attraction to men or masculinity; gynephilia describes the sexual attraction to women or femininity.

Identifies as being attracted to masculinity or male anatomy, regardless of whether the object of one's affection identifies as a man.

Oral stimulation of the anus.

Anonymous. Someone who does not want to get person. Probably no phone numbers and may to event want to know your name.

Ass Play.

Lack of romantic attraction towards anyone (aromanticism).

One of the attributes of aromantics is that, despite feeling little or no romantic attraction, they can still enjoy sex. Aromantics are not necessarily incapable of feeling love.

Person who generally does not experience sexual attraction (or very little) to any group of people (ace spectrum).

Avoiding social interaction; inconsiderate of or hostile to others.

Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

Assigned Sex
The sex with which a person is assigned at birth.

An aging homosexual.

Autosexual is a term for sexual attraction to oneself, especially a preference for masturbation over sexual intercourse. Experiencing romantic feelings towards oneself is called autoromantic.

A small picture (or icon) used to represent a person.

Black (African-American).

Bondage and discipline A milder form of S&M that involves one partner being at least constrained.

Bondage and/or Domination. Feels like a kinky session.

Baby Dyke
A young or inexperienced lesbian, particularly of high school or college age.

Bady Gay
Somone who has just come out and are very naive about the whole gay thing. A Baby Gay can be any age.

Ball kids
An underground dance movement started by gay youth.

The practice of having anal sex without using a condom As in skin-to-skin sex or raw sex.

Male genitals. Refers to the bulging shape of the male gentials when clothed in a jockstrap or athletic supporter.

People who tend to enjoy masturbating with others rather than penetration.

The practice of having anal sex without using a condom As in skin-to-skin sex or raw sex.

Big Black Cock.

Big Beautiful Woman.

Date app initials for Breath Control.

Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism. BDSM A catch-all term for a broad array of sexual practices that is used to describe the activities of the leather community.

Beach Bitch
A gay man who frequents beaches and resorts for sexual encounters and cruising.

Bean Queen
USA slang word to describe Mexican homosexuals. Also used to describe Latinx drag queens, as well as white men who are attracted to Latino men.

A bear is a larger and often hairier man who projects an image of rugged masculinity. See our Bears page.

The significate other half of a person of the opposite sex who is gay, a beard is used to make the world think the gay partner is straight. Sometimes the beard knows they are a beard sometime they are being decieved.

Buffed men.

A gay man who spends most of his time at the gym, and the rest of it scooping spoonfuls of protein supplement into his post-workout shakes.

A homosexual male. Someone who is bent, that is, not straight.

A homosexual male.

Sexual intercourse between a person and a non-human animal.

A person who is attracted to both people of their own gender and another gender.

An individual who typically identifies as gay or straight while showing some curiosity for a relationship or sexual activity with a person of a different gender.

Bisexual Female.

A person who experiences exactly two genders. Normally male and female, but could also include non-binary gender identities.

An aversion toward bisexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being bisexual.

Relating to people who are romantically attracted to more than one gender. This is different from “bisexual” because a person can feel romantically attracted to someone — that is, desiring a more intimate emotional connection — without necessarily desiring physical, erotic, or sexual gratification.

A person who is attracted to both people of their own gender and another gender. Also called “bi”.

Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior toward both males and females.

Blow Job (oral sex).

Black-eyed peas
Asion term for blacks who only like blacks.

Black Lives Mater.

Blonde (pale-haired).

Putting your mouth's on a guys cock and suck repeatedly until they reach orgasm. Giving a blowjob should not be looked upon as a chore, but as a pleasurable thing for both involved

Gay, referring mostly to males.

Bog Queen
A gay man who frequents public toilets for sex.

Pronounced the same as "boy" is a slang within the LGBTQ community meaning a youthful gay man.

Bone Smuggler
A American word for drag Queen.

An erection of the penis.

The passive or submissive partner in anal intercourse.

A derogatory term for heterosexuals, especially for those who glorify childbearing, and guys that like to cum inside their partners anus.

(Also known as internal ejaculation and, in same-sex contexts, as breeding and seeding) is a sexual act, commonly featured in pornography, in which a male ejaculates inside his partner's vagina or anus without use of a condom, resulting in visible seeping or dripping of semen from the vagina or anus.

Brighton Pier
Cockney rhyming slang for "queer".

Brunette (having dark brown hair).

A Chicken that is passed it (been out on the scene to long).

A young homosexual male who is difficult to restrain during intercourse.

Some on who is into deficatation.

Brownie Queen
Passive partner in anal intercourse.

Anal or oral sex between people, or sexual activity between a person, same as Sodomy

Bull Dyke
Frightening ominous lesbian.

An extremely butch lesbian.

Bum Cleavage
The area between the buttocks.

Bumhole Driver
Train drivers in the States and Canada are known as 'engineers'. 'Bumhole Driver' One who is active in anal penetration.

Active partner in anal sex, old fashioned UK slang term for a homosexual man.

Anal sex. When a man inserts his cock into another mans ass and fucks him until he shoots his load up the mans ass.

Bungie Boy
Straight-acting, but gay or bi-boy.

Bunker Shy
A young man who fears being forced into homosexual sex Derivation from a 19th century prison term.

Butt or when someone wants to be cute about your butt.

Masculine homosexual.


Previously Allosexual, now asexual due to previous trauma (ace spectrum).

Effeminate way of being Gay. One can be camp without being gay. Floppy wrists.

Can't Host
Cannot meat at mine. May be away from home, have flatmates or live at parents.

Cannabis is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back. Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours. Marijuana has also been reported to ease the pain, nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.

Carpet Muncher
Some one who eats pussy.

Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles.

Cock and Ball Torture. This can include various activities, from squeezing and twisting using your hands or using toys.

Dressing in clothing that is traditionally assigned to the opposite gender.

CF/Chem Friendly
Happy to use of illicit substances as an accompaniment or enhancement during sexual activity.

Normally weaning someone who’s it attracted to larger men ‘Cubby Chaser’. It can also mean someone who is after someone of a particular fetish.

Chemical Castration
Castration via anaphrodisiac drugs, whether to reduce libido and sexual activity, to treat cancer, or otherwise.

A young homosexual male seeking older men; see also: Chicken hawk, referring to an older gay male looking for younger partners

Chicken Hawk
Someone who is attracted to under-age partners

Chubby Chaser
A slim person who is attracted to guys of a broad or heavy build.

Refers to one's chosen family.

Circle Jerk
Group masturbation or jerking off.

(Often shortened to cis; sometimes cissexual) Is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth

Clean Cut
Clean shaven and does not have scruffy haircut and not a lot of body hair.

Exclusively homosexual.

The standardised gay male look In the 70's the look included a moustache, muscle shirt/flannel shirt and Levi's The late 80's - 90's included short hair, long sideburns, white tee-shirt, shorts/jeans and Doc boots with grey socks.

Closet (In the)
Not revealing one's sexual orientation to the general population.

Closet Case
Describes a person who keeps their sexual orientation or gender identity a secret from some or all people.

Coming out
Refers to the process that people who are LGBTQ+ go through as they work to accept their sexual orientation or gender identity and share that identity openly with other people. It’s an initiation that we have to go through.

Men who do not wear underpants under their trousers.

Commitment Ceremony
A public affirmation of your commitment and union Often has roots within pagan ceremonies

Conversion Therapy
An attempt to change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual or to change a person's gender identity to correspond to the sex the person was identified as having at birth, See Conversion therapy in the UK - a threat to everyone

Public toilet Not used much today except by older men

British gay slang for engaging in anonymous sex in a public lavatory a 'cottage' ('tea-room' in gay American vernacular) or cruising for sexual partners with the intention of having sex elsewhere

A slang term for a woman who seeks romantic or sexual relationships with significantly younger men.


Couples (usually appearing on ads of gay couples seeking for a three-some, four-some, or couple swing).

(Also known as internal ejaculation and, in same-sex contexts, as breeding and seeding) is a sexual act, commonly featured in pornography, in which a male ejaculates inside his partner's vagina or anus without use of a condom, resulting in visible seeping or dripping of semen from the vagina or anus.

Dressing in clothing that is traditionally assigned to the opposite gender

Crossing The Line
Ceremony to celebrate crossing the equator. The firstimers would be abused greatly rather homo-erotic

Present participle of cruise. The action of the verb to cruise. A concerted effort to find a sexual encounter with another man especially in a public place.

Crystal methamphetamine
Crystal methamphetamine or "tina" is one of the fastest growing drugs in the gay community. To users it's short-term effects may. Crystal can be injected, snorted or smoked. In its crystal form it is called ice or glass

CSD (German Prides)
The abbreviation CSD stands for Christopher Street Day - a historic day of remembrance of the first known resistance of homosexuals and transsexuals to state and social discrimination.

A younger bear

Iis a sexual scenario that describes how one person is aroused by their partner having a sexual encounter with someone else.

Cum Dump
A person who likes multiple guys cuming inside him without wearing a condom.

Cumshot ejaculation onto another performer's body, such as on the genitals, buttocks, chest or tongue and are currently.

Cunnilingus is an oral sex act performed by a person on the vulva or vagina of another person.

Cunt Sucker
A derogatory term for a lesbian.

Curry Queen
A derogative term to describe a gay man who is attracted to Indian men.

Circumcised - circumcized penis

Divorced (usually referring to a previous heterosexual marriage)

D/D Free
Drug- and Disease-Free (can also appear as DDF)

The term 'Daddy' in the U.S.A. is a person who generally 'tops' or who earns a great deal more money then the younger, if not employed, 'bottom'

Daddy Chaser
A gay man who likes his partners older, richer, but not necessarily wiser.

The previous name of someone who has changed that name, especially the pre-transition first name of a transgender person. Deadname can also refer to the act of calling a person (especially a trans person) by that person’s previous name, as opposed to their chosen or preferred name. Deadnaming someone is offensive and disrespectful, even when done accidentally or as a joke.

A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships (ace spectrum).

Expressing disapproval, disapproving apologetic or appeasing a deprecatory smile .

Respecting or maintaining respect, silence, modesty, privacy; may refer to a closeted individual.

Divorced Gay Male

"Dad I'd Like to Fuck"

Refers to something dunked in some kind of substance

Down Low. If a peron is on the DL, it means they are not out yet and needs to be discreet.

Divorced Male

Having sex with strangers in a public place. "Observers are encouraged, thus making dogging a form of exhibitionism" (Wikipedia)

Dominant Male or Female (prefers a partner who is submissive, sometimes to a point of being a slave)

Dope (Cannabis) is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back. Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours. Marijuana has also been reported to ease the pain, nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.

Double Penetration
The insertion of two cocks onto another mans anus simultaneously

The word “douche” is French and means to shower. In this case, anal douching refers to using a device such as a squeezable bottle or tube to squirt water or other liquids like saline up your butt to ‘clean’ it.

Double Penetration: The insertion of two cocks onto another mans anus simultaneously

Dressed in a way usually identified with the opposite sex- Dressed As a Girl

Drag King
A woman dressed like a man

Drag Queen
A performer (typically a man) who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona, with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and make-up.

Down to Earth

Down To Fuck. If a guy is DTF, he’s looking for a sex.

A synonym for gay, particularly when used as a term of endearment.

Dutch Boy
Men, gay or straight, who like to hang with a dyke

Dutch Oven
The act of trapping a person under bed covers after releasing vile ass fumes

A lesbian The term derives from the nineteenth-century slang word dike, which referred to male clothing, and when it was first used to refer to women, it carried a derogatory connotation of masculine appearance or behaviour

Dyke Bite
Refers to a straight woman using lesbianism as a feminist argument or a way or insulting men

Dyke Dog
Refers to a male, straight or otherwise, who enjoys the company of lesbian women to a straight woman using lesbianism as a feminist argument or a way or insulting men

Closely linked to the use of Amphetamines (from which it is derived), Ecstasy, or MDMA, was originally used as a Psycho therapeutic drug. It is a Psychedelic drug that produces euphoria and a feeling of well being, decreased levels of fear and anxiety and a physical stimulant and sensational effect in users. It is illegal in most countries and is one of the most widely used illicit drugs in the world.

The practice of masturbating up the point of near-climax but then pausing to maintain a longer-term state of sexual arousal.

Giving people small electric shocks, this can be done on the skin or from inserting the devises inside you.

A man who has been castrated, or had his testicles removed or rendered non-functional. In the past someone employed to guard the women's living areas.


Face to Face

To come over the face

Fag Bangle
A gay man who is a just a fashion accessory to a straight women i.e. like the gay men in 'Sex in the City' they are an extension of the straight woman's ward robe

Fag Hag
A (usually straight) woman who socialises extensively with gay men. Fag-hags and hag-fags have special bonds, like fancying same blokes

Straight male, who is married or has a girlfriend AND Gay best friends. Straight male who frequents gay bars/clubs to hang out with Gay friends. Some say "it's not cheating" on their spouses/girlfriends. It's "a night out with the bquot;

Derived - Way back when churchmen were burning suspected witches (possible lesbians also) at the stake. they stacked the fires with small bundles of branches tied together called "faggots" ... occasionally anyone suspected of homosexuality was (Unfortunately) tossed on, to entertain the crowds hence the term

Faggot (also Fag)
A male homosexual Like dyke, this term was originally used as an epithet, but has been adopted by many of the people to whom it refers There is no general agreement about the origin of the term

A male homosexual, especially one who acts or dresses in an effeminate manner This was a common derogatory term for homosexuals during much of the twentieth century Like dyke and faggot, gay people have reclaimed it

Fairy Lady
Term used in the mid-1900's for a lesbian bottom

Meaning being part of the lesbian and gay community As in, "He's a member of the family, He's gay"

Frequently Asked Questions

A Yiddish term for gay that is derived from the word bird is another possible root for the term "fag." This is especially possible in the United States. The terms "faggot" and "fag" referring to a "bundle of sticks" were rarely used in historical American English. Furthermore, American English has incorporated many Yiddish terms (and pronunciations) into its lexicon. "Feigele" is pronounced "veyg-uh-luh," and as in most Germanic pronunciations, the "v" sound is commonly softened to an "f." In the northeast US, "fag" is pronounced more like, "feyg."

Felching is the sexual act involving the act of orally sucking semen out of the vagina or anus of one's partner.

Fem Fatale
A queeny queen

A lesbian or gay man who acts and dresses effeminately

Feminine (referring to effeminate gays, or those who act girly)

A bodily part (or object) that gives sexual arousal; ie Foot Fetish.

FF (Fist fucking)
The act of stuffing a fist in someone's anus

FF (Foot fucking)
The act of stuffing a foot in someone's anus

FKK is an abbreviation that is found in several european languages, it originaly comes from German and is short for "Frei-Körper-kultur" (free body culture). it can be found on signs at beaches and lakes, tellng the visitor that he is going to enter an area where it is common to nude sunbathing/swimming.

Firth Wheel
A heterosexual in a homosexual group.

To insert part or all of one's hand into the anus or vagina of a sex partner

Very outwardly gay male who displays stereotypical gay behaviors Likes it in the poop shooter: Has a particular affinity for anal sex

Someone who would help another to arousal for a third party (Porn Film, photographer, sex party etc)

Term used by lesbians Meaning a woman is turned on In gay male leather circles, this meant term is meant for someone who isn't into the dress code Derives from the description of someone who wears bulky or "fluffy" sweaters A putdown from a leather man might be: "You look awfully fluffy tonight"
Also can be used as a Derogatory term for a Bear as in "He thinks he's so butch but he's really just a Fluffy"

Someone that may be attracted to one gender at one time point and attracted to a different gender or more than one gender at another time point.

Opposite to Demisexual, dissipates away once an emotional bond has occurred (ace spectrum).

As 'Going Commando' Men are going out and are not wear underpants under their trousers. 'I saw him in the gym and he was obviously freeballing.'

French Embassy
Any location, especially a gym or Y, where gay sex is readily available

Friend of Dorothy's
Referred to as being gay This term has roots from Judy Garland, whose musical ability and tragic life story were so popular with gay audiences and of course from, "The Wizard of Oz", the classic musical

Friends with Benefits
Friends who you have sex with (the benefit is sex).

Sex between two women, often involving one rubbing the genitals of the other with her fingers; probably derived from friction

Front Marriage
A marriage between a lesbian and gay man in order to "pass" at work and/or with family

Slag for Frotting.

Rubbing two penises together for sexual pleasure. Usually, both men stand or lie down facing each other so that the undersides of both penises touch along their entire length, allowing one person to masturbate both penises simultaneously. The warmth of the other penis and the added stimulation from contact along the entire length of the shaft can create increased sensation compared to ordinary mutual masturbation.

Fruit Flies
Another term for Fag Hags Heterosexual women who socialise extensively with gay men

A gay male with feminine characteristics and/or behaviors

Female to Male Transsexual (lesbians who have had transgender procedures to become male)

Fudge Packer
Generally refer to gay and feminine men.

Derrogatory term for pussy used by straight people to describe lesbians. (e.g. She eats furburgers.)

Friends with Benefits – Be friends that have sex but with no relationship commitments

Gay Asian Male

Gang Bang
A gang bang is a where several people, engage in physical sexual activity with one specific person sequentially or at the same time. That specific person is the central focus of the sexual activity; for example, multiple guys fucking one person.

Term for straight guy getting fucked by gay guy while under influence of alcohol.

Derived - Homosexual In the seventeenth century, gay expanded from its earlier meaning of cheerful and came also to refer to men with a reputation for being playboys

Gay Damage
Term used when a straight guy has a gay encounter, and is finding it difficult to accept.

Gay Poison
Term used when a straight guy has a gay encounter, and is intoxicated to partake in it again.

Gay Wannabe
Straight guy secretly wanna be gay

The uncanny sensory perception that lesbians and gays have of detecting other gay people in their midst

Slang for a gay man.

An LGBTQ+ person who plays video games.

Term for straight guy that turns gay under influence of drink.

Gay Black Male

Gender Diversity
Gender identities or expressions that don’t conform to socially defined male or female gender norms. Example: “These new photos have lots of gender diversity: They included non-binary, agender, transgender and genderqueer models.”

Gender Identity
The sense of “being” male, female, genderqueer, agender, etc. For some people, gender identity is in accord with physical anatomy. For transgender people, gender identity may differ from physical anatomy or expected social roles. It is important to note that gender identity, biological sex, and sexual orientation are separate and that you cannot assume how someone identifies in one category based on how they identify in another category.

Gender Inclusive
Relating to or intended for any gender; gender-neutral. While “gender-neutral” is a term that suggests that one’s gender shouldn’t be a factor in a given circumstance, “gender-inclusive” is a more welcoming term that suggests all genders are invited to take part. For example: “No, that’s not a gender-neutral sauna, it’s a gender-inclusive sauna! Don’t you feel more welcome?”

Gender Questioning
Is a tentative gender identity label for a person who is in the process of figuring out how to describe and label their gender identity.

Gender Reveal
Public disclosure of the gender of an unborn baby by the soon-to-be parent or parents. Gender reveals often occur through cakes made with pink or blue filling, parties where parents presume gender based on their fetus’ sonar-imaged genitals, or by detonating deadly pipe bombs that kill family members and burn down 10,000-acre forests.

Non-binary, also known as genderqueer, is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine?—?identities that are outside the gender binary.

A term which refers to individuals or groups who “queer” or problematise the hegemonic notions of sex, gender and desire in a given society. Genderqueer people possess identities which fall outside of the widely accepted sexual binary.

Gloryhole. A hole in a public place where one can insert their penis and receive an anonymous blowjob.

Gay Hispanic Male

Ginger Beer
Cockney rhyming slang for "queer".

A woman attracted to gay/bisexual men, also may refer to some gay men or non-binary people.

Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgendered

Glory Hole
A hole carved in the partition between stalls in a men's room, and used for sexual liaisons

Going Commando
Men are going out and are not wear underpants under their trousers.

Gold Star
A homosexual who has never had heterosexual sexual intercourse. A gay virgin.

Golden rivet
The non existent rivet, which first trippers are sent to find. Supposedly in the bowls of the ship. Whilst looking, they would be raped

Golden Shower
The act of urinating on a partner

The practice of arousing oneself (male or female) through using adult content alongside 'edging' or masturbating up to but not beyond the point of near-climax with the objective of attaining a trance-like state of sexual arousal.

Government-Inspected Meat
A gay man in the armed forces

Bi-sexual male/Female because they want both

To engage in anal intercourse In its more common usage as an adjective, the term refers to a preference for anal sex

Experiences sexual attraction rarely, and/or weakly, and/or ambiguously (ace spectrum).

Good Sense of Humor

Gay urban professionals, or gay yuppies

Same as Lesboy, a man attracted to lesbian/bisexual women.

Gay White Male

Derived - A lesbian Kurt Hiller suggested this term in 1946 (and androtrope for a gay male), because of what he considered the negative connotations of "homosexual" Neither term caught on

Androphilia and gynephilia are terms used in behavioral science to describe sexual orientation, as an alternative to a gender binary homosexual and heterosexual conceptualization. Androphilia describes sexual attraction to men or masculinity; gynephilia describes the sexual attraction to women or femininity.

Someone who is gynesexual identifies as being attracted to femininity or the female anatomy, regardless of whether the object of one's affection identifies as a woman


Hag Fag
The male who hangs around with his fag-hag is a hag-fag. Fag-hags and hag-fags have special bonds, like fancying same blokes

Usually made of leather, this device is strapped over the hips and crotch (over the thigh for a thigh harness), to hold a dildo in place for sexual penetration

Heavy Drinker


Somone who is born with ovarian and testicular tissue that are present ie with external and/or internal sex orans. They both may or may not function correctly.

An individual who typically identifies as straight while showing some curiosity for a relationship or sexual activity with a person the same gender.

High and Horny - Relating to someone who is High on drugs and is looking for sex

Horny Net Geek

Not to be confused with “homophobia,” which is an aversion or hostility to, disdain for, or fear of gay sexual orientation or gay people, “hodophobia” actually refers to an irrational or disproportionate fear of traveling.

Homo is perhaps the most interesting term that people have used to dub homosexual individuals. While people continue to use it, the origins do not really make sense. We are all homosapiens, so why would anyone run around calling only homosexuals.

Irrational fear of gay people and of homosexuality George Weinberg, author of Society and the Healthy Homosexual, coined this word in the early 1970's It filled a need for a gay people at that time because, in one word, it eloquently conveyed the idea that it was gay-bashers, not gays themselves, who had a problem

Attracted physically to people of the same sex

A woman's genitals

To meet up for sex.

Someone who are sexually aroused or that they easily become sexually aroused, alos randy.

Person with thier own place, to have sex with one or more people.

Heavy Smoker

Hula Hoop
Your bottom entrance

A homosexual Paragraph 175 of the German Penal Code of 1871 outlawed homosexual practices; thus a 175er in Germany was someone violating this paragraph

Well-endowed; having a large penis The term can also be used more generally: "He was hung like a mouse" means "he has a small penis"

A large, strong, sexually attractive man.

Height-Weight Proportional

A free online messaging service ( derived from the phrase “I Seek You”; this term is usually followed by an “ID number” or the user’s numeric code

Instant Messaging (like ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, etc.)

IM me
Send me an Instant Message

In the Life
A commonly used term for a gay man/woman within the black community

Intermediate Sex
Homosexual The term was used by Edward Carpenter and others around the turn of the century, but soon fell into disfavour

A congenital anomaly of the reproductive and sexual system. Intersex people are born with external genitalia, internal reproductive organs, and/or endocrine system that are different from most other people.

Intersexuality occurs whenever a human being has both male and female physical characteristics. Contrary to myth, intersexuals do not have two sets of genitals


In Real Life

In Search Of/ I Seek Of


Jack Off (masterbation).

A person who means is a lover of young black men.

Semen or Cum.

A gay man with an athletic build who typically enjoys sports and likes Jock straps


Kerb Crawler
A person cruising the street and drives slowly to view street prostitutes, with sexual business in mind.

Ketamine is a powerful general anaesthetic which stops you feeling pain and it’s used for operations on humans and animals. The effects don’t last long, but until they wear off, ketamine can cause a loss of feeling in the body and paralysis of the muscles. It can also lead to you experiencing a distortion of reality.

Kiddie Porn
Child pornography. nude photographic material of boys or girls under the legal age.

1940s slang term for a lesbian comfortable with either a passive or aggressive partner

King Lear
Cockney rhyming slang for "queer".

A non-standard sexual activity, fetish, or interest

Kinsey Six
A person who is completely homosexual, as opposed to one with some bisexual inclinations


India Word: Among gay circles KOTHI-means a bottom, in Telugu language Kothi is the monkey

A brand of water-soluble lubricant often used for sex


Is a symbol of lesbian and women's strength, decentring men, matriarchy (particularly celebrating pre-patriarchal societies).

Lace Curtains
Refers to the foreskin.

Laddie or Lassie
A term used to identify children with gay parents The term began with a negative connotation assuming that the child would also be gay or lesbian It has been reclaimed as an affectionate term and a way of children being able to 'code' or identify each other in public.

Lavender Law
Legal issues, practice and study pertaining to the gay and lesbian community.

Light Drinker.

Long-Distance Relationship.

Community of gay men who have a fondness for leather gear / fetish play.

Another word for Lesbian.

A gay woman The ancient Greek poet Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos As Sappho became known for her poems celebrating love between women, the term lesbian changed its primary meaning from 'one who lives on Lesbos' to 'a woman like Sappho and her followers'. See our Lesbion page.

A lesbian refers to a homosexual woman. The word “lesbian” is not inappropriate to use, since it is the correct name for a woman who dates other women. However, make sure you are not using it in an accusatory or insulting manner.

Same as Guydyke, a man attracted to lesbian/bisexual women.

The male equivalent of a fag-hag.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender person.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer and/or Questioning.

As LGBTQ but more inclusive as a trap all you include other categories.

An umbrella term used for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex or asexual. Some variations include a + at the end to encompass people who don’t identify as one of the above but are still queer or non-straight in some way.

An adult bookstore.

A gay man Term used in the early 1900's.

Light-blue boy
Russian for gay male.

Lilies of the Valley

Limits are important, and every submissive guy’s limits are different. A limit is the point beyond which you do not allow Dominants to go.

Lipstick Lesbian
An effeminate lesbian, or a lesbian who favours a glamorous, traditionally feminine style.

Laughing My Ass Off. Oftern used in texts and online chat apps.

Laughing Out Loud.

Lollipop Stop
A highway rest stop used by gay men for cruising.

Light Smoker.

LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is produced in crystal form in illegal laboratories, mainly in the United States. These crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste.

Long-Term Relationship.

Lesbian urban professionals, or lesbian yuppies.


Man to Man/ Male to Male (like in M2M Sex)

Make a Milk Run
To cruise a men's room

Malboro Man
Derives from the characteristic of a bonified smoker (i.e. someone who always has a cigarette AKA Flaming Fag in their MOUTH). This term usually refers to a butch man who has a love for giving oral sex as the malboro man was a cowboy and some what of a rough stud

This Spanish word for butterfly has come to also refer to a male homosexual

One of many women's names used in exchange for gay men's names Also a standard camp name used by gay men to refer to each other

Mashed potato
Asia term for white boys who only like white boys.

Person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.

The person who has control over a slave in a consensual master-slave relationship.

Married but Available

Married Black Couple

(commonly known as ecstasy, molly, or 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) is a widely used recreational drug. It works by stimulating the release of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine as well as other neurotransmitters, providing a euphoric stimulant effect. During the late 80s and 90s, it became popular at raves. Many pills sold as "ecstasy" are really a mixture of MDMA, speed (or other drugs) and binders. When one acquires street ecstasy, they could be ingesting many different drugs. This is a problem, as certain drugs (such as PMA, which caused many deaths in the Netherlands as 'Pink Heart Ecstasy') can be dangerous if taken without knowing safety precautions and toxicity of said substance.

Meat Rack
A gay male cruising area

Medical Transition
he parts of a transgender person’s transition that change their body.

Member of the Union
Gay or lesbian person

Meow, Mephedrone (sometimes called ‘meow meow’) is a powerful stimulant and is part of a group of drugs that are closely related to the amphetamines, like speed and ecstasy. There isn't much evidence about mephedrone and it's long term effects as it's quite a new drug but because it is similar to speed and ecstasy the long term effects may well be similar. There have reports of people hospitalised due to the short-term effects.

Mephedrone (sometimes called ‘meow meow’) is a powerful stimulant and is part of a group of drugs that are closely related to the amphetamines, like speed and ecstasy. There isn't much evidence about mephedrone and it's long term effects as it's quite a new drug but because it is similar to speed and ecstasy the long term effects may well be similar. There have reports of people hospitalised due to the short-term effects.

A social media hashtag and solidarity movement in which survivors publicly recount incidents of sexual harassment and assault to demonstrate the prevalence of such abuse. Kevin Spacey was one of the first gay celebrities to be MeTooed after gay actor Anthony Rapp publicly accused him of attempted statutory rape.

Someone whose habits and grooming are similar to "those considered typical of a fashionable, urban, homosexual man" (OED)

"Mother I'd Like (to) Fuck" - mothers, whether married, separated or divorced, that a male individual sees as physical attractive enough to want to have sexual intercourse with them.

What gay men call semen.

Milk Me
Term used between gays with the meaning, make me cum.

Female genitalia, derogatory.

Miss Thing
Used in place of names of other gay guys, especially in the 1980's.

Marriage Minded.

Money Shot
Money shot is used to refer to a visible male climax. In the past, male pornography stars did not commonly ejaculate visibly on camera. These days, a money shot is common in both heterosexual and homosexual pornography and ejaculation will often occur visibly on the body of a partner.

Monkeypox is a rare infection most commonly found in west or central Africa. There has recently been an increase in cases in the UK. Monkeypox is transmitted through close contact, so is likely being passed on during sex rather than sexual transmission.

The French Canadian term for a gay man. Means a physically or emotionally weak person, mostly a man, and that its only applied to gay men in a pejorative fashion

See Monkeypox.

Man Seeking Men, or men who have sex with men

Men that have sex with men.

Man Seeking Women

Male to Female Transsexual

Muff Diving

For millennia, Psychedelic or hallucinogenic mushrooms have figured in society, culture and religion. There are more than 180 species of mushrooms which contain the psychedelics Psilocybin or Psilocin. They have a long history of use in Mexico and tribal societies and are currently one of the most popular and commonly available natural psychedelics. Psilocybin and Psilocin are the psychoactive ingredients responsible for the hallucinatory state or “trip” the user experiences some twenty minutes after consuming the mushrooms. The effect of which is similar to that of LSD but shorter lived and will be outlined in the LSD section.

Married White Couple

An effeminate man (nancy boy).

The word "Nancy-boy" is a postwar term for a homosexual male. It is a softer word than faggot, queer, or dick-smoker. "Nancy-boy" is synonymous with "that way," meaning light-in-the-loafers, but harmless and not at all threatening or predatory.

Napkin Ring
A cock ring

Naughty Bits
A polite way to say male genitalia.

Never Been Married.

Never Been Married

Non-Drinker or No Drug user

Hhaving or relating to a sexual attraction to dead bodies.


Very effeminate or silly.

A gay man or female that has onlyh just come'out'.

No kids

No Losers Please

No Taps
This person has some sort of inexplicable problem with receiving compliments.

A completely useless person, one who can't function properly without fucking things up.

The non-birth parent of a child Where one of the partners is the biological parent by a previous relationship or alternative means and the other is not

A term used to describe individuals who may experience a gender identity that is neither exclusively woman nor man or is between or beyond both genders.

No Picture No Chat. Will not talk with you if you dont't have a photo of yourself.

New Relationship Energy.


No-Strings-Attached Sex (seeking for a sex buddy, instead of a relationship)

A trick; a casual sex partner.

A individual is someone who is attracted to persons of all genders and orientations. The term is often used as a synonym for pansexual.

One-Eyed Cyclops
(French) The head of the penis.

Opera Queen
A devoted gay fan of the opera or divas.

When 2 men suck each other's cocks to make their dicks ejaculate (cum) into their mouth.

Oreo Sex
Sex between two black men and a white man.

A gay man who is very hairy all over his body, but is smaller in frame and weighs considerably less than a bear.

Open about one's sexual orientation to the general population.

When someone discloses information about someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity without that person’s knowledge and/or consent.

Represents the owner in a master/slave, dominance/submissive relationship.

Professional (this means that he works in an office)

Male prostate hot spot.

Prince Albert: The Prince Albert (PA) is one of the most common male genital piercings. The PA is "a ring-style piercing that extends along the underside of the glans from the urethral opening to where the glans meets the shaft of the penis.


Person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions.

An effeminate gay man, usually used derogatorily The term has been in use at least since the 1920's

India Word: Among gay circles Panthi-means a top, in Telugu language is the person who makes it play with the strings that he holds

Public Display of Affection.

Attracting attention through props and clothing

Pearl Necklace
A deposit of cum, particulary around the neck of one's sex partner.

Pictures (may vary between face pics, body pics or more erotic pics)

Pillow Fucker
To masturbate using two pillows, so as if to have somebody under him. One pillow under the cock, and one pillow over, as to make a asshole.

Pillow Queen
Someone who,likes to recieve sex but not give.

A man who controls and profits from the services of a prostitute. The pimp may also solicite for his boys.

Pin Prick
When a person who has AIDS uses a needle to transfer the virus to unsuspecting people in a night club

Pinkwashing is the strategy of promoting LGBT rights protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, especially to distract from or legitimize violence against other countries or communities, often to improve a country's tarnished reputation.

A human pair of legs; commonly used to refer to a whole leg but technically only the part of the leg between the knee and ankle


PNP, or party and play, is a subculture of drug use while having sex. PNP has been widely associated with gay men or men who have sex with men. Users pick a variety of "party drugs," but most typically crystal meth.

Pole Dancer
Very vuloptuous and flexible gay males, usually of a hispanic decent. Know for very sexually charged dance moves that include many forms of giration or ginding into other dancer's crotches. They tend to be twink & bottoms

Polygamous open to or preferring to have two or more partners at once

The state of having multiple sexually or romantically committed relationships at the same time, with the consent of all partners involved.

A person is someone who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to multiple genders. It is not the same as being bisexual or pansexual, although all of these sexualities involve being attracted to more than one gender. It also is not the same as being polyamorous.

A gay man. This word generally derogatory, is common in Australia and England Sometimes also poofter

Behaviour characteristic of homosexuals.

A gay man


Potato Queen
Asian guy with a preference for white guys

Power Bottom
A man with a very very strong sex drive for being penetrated extended lengths of time by one or more guys and double penetration. He’s a man that has no qualms in how fast, how hard, or how big the penetrator is. His confidence is only heightened by his fierce ability to mesmerize any top he comes into contact with, making it the ideal bottoming experience. In other words, he’s a top’s fantasy come to life.

Refers to someone who is HIV positive.

A celebration of a specific minority group and affirmation of equal rights for members of that community. One can attend their local Pride or wear some colorful Pride gear, but when uncapitalized, “pride” merely refers to one’s own sense of self-value or their conceitedly inflated ego.

Princeton Rub
Intercourse between two men in which one's penis rubs between the other's thigh, or between the two men's abdomens

Prison honey bun
A person that will later be raped by their cell mate.

Class of words that an individual would like others to use when talking to or about that individual (he/him/his, she/her/hers, or they/them/theirs).

The prostate is a small gland, located in the pelvis, between the penis and bladder.

A gay man that has never had sex with a woman.

Vaginal flatulence or Fanny Fart.

An effeminate gay man Gay men who aspire to royalty will be disappointed to learn that this usage of the word queen is only a distant relative of the queen who sits on a throne It is linguistically closer to queen - a disparaging word for an unpleasant or promiscuous woman, dating to the sixteenth century

An effeminate gay man is acting like a queen, 'queenie is being such a queen'.

Homosexual, usually meaning reference to men Originally meaning "odd", the term seems to have taken on this meaning early in the twentieth century

A marketing technique used to attract queer viewers that involves creating romantic or sexual tension between two same-sex characters just to meet equality targets.

An individual who or time when someone is unsure about or exploring their own sexual orientation or gender identity.

Unsure whether you experience sexual attrition (ace spectrum).

As in "She's going to the ranch" A way of saying someone is going crazy Stems from the Anita Bryant ranch style "homosexual healing centres"

Slang for horny. Someone who are sexually aroused or that they easily become sexually aroused.

Sex with no condoms (Bare Back or BB).

Rent Boy
A young man selling is body to another person and is younger then 18 years old

Rice Queen
A white guy with a predilection for Asian guys

To lick or suck the anus of a sex partner

Real Life - i.e. not online, or by phone

Right now. Looking for a meet now.

The fetishist attraction to people wearing rubber clothing, or in certain cases, to the rubber garments themselves.

A person usually Male who is attempting to exude an air of enhanced masculinity.


Sadism and masochism S & M enthusiasts derive part of their pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation (the sadist) or having pain inflicted upon them (the masochist) - but always within defined and mutually agreed limits

Person who is sexually aroused or gains sexual gratification by inflicting pain, cruelty, or humiliation on others.

Safe Word
Safe words are vital for beginners and experienced kinky sex. A safe word is a word or phrase that submissives use to stop what the dominate person is doing

Salt and Pepper
Someone with grey (or white) and black hair on their body and/or head.

Lesbian love; derived from Sappho, the lesbian poet of ancient Greece

Sappho Daddy-O
A heterosexual man who socialises extensively with lesbians

Single Black Female

Single Bisexual Female

Single Black Male

Some on who is into deficatation

The cultural and social environment associated with homosexuals; specifically, gay and lesbian bars, clubs, etc.

Anyone whom you are interested in, but is of the wrong sexual orientation Thus you can "Sit back and enjoy the scenery"

Social Drinker (drinks alcohol only whenever he is out partying)

Section 28
or Clause 28 this Government Act states that local authorities "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

When one man cums inside another guy who is really horny and he wants to own him with his cum so he pushes it all inside him and makes him take every last drop of it with no condom holding it back.

A butch lesbian A mid 1900's term

Sending sexually suggestive, nude, or nearly nude photos or videos of yourself.

Sexual Orientation
The type of sexual, romantic, and/or physical attraction someone feels toward others. Often labeled based on the gender identity/expression of the person and who they are attracted to. Common labels: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc.

Single Gay Asian Male (may interchange with SAGM)

Single Gay Asian Professional Male

Single Gay Black Male (may interchange with SBGM)

Single Gay Black Professional Male

Single Gay Hispanic Male (may interchange with SHGM)

Single Gay Hispanic Professional Male

Single person

Single Gay Male

Single Gay White Male (may interchange with SWGM)

Single Gay White Professional Male

An offensive term for a transgender person

A male who doesn`t want a girlfriend,he`s a shirtlifter.

A detestable person.

To have sex in a public place.


Similar Interests

A guy who is neither top, bottom or versatile. Sides tend not to partake in anal sex and prefer to have sex in different ways, for example oral sex or through using toys.

Significant Other
A partner in a serious relationship In the early 1970s, unhappy with terms such as lover, girlfriend, and boyfriend for describing same-sex partners, some gay men and lesbians began using the term "Significant Other"

Size Queen
A gay man who is especially interested in partners with large penises

The term used to describe the action of injecting drugs. The term specifically relates to the injecting of drugs rather than the swallowing or snorting of substances which is more common at most chemsex parties.

A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular group (LGBTQ+ people) or people living in the same area.

Some one that is owned or controlled by a dominant person (master) with the intent of hard sex.

Slut is generally a term for a man or girl who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. It is usually used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement

Sado Masochism. Getting pleasure from inflicting or receiving pain.

Snow Queen
A black man who only dates white men

Spitting the cum back into the mouth of the person who ejaculated it.

Someone who does not drink alcohol.

The term “sodomite” is taken from the city of Sodom (Genesis 19:1-26). The definition of sodomite refers to anyone who actively engages in homosexual or lesbian acts.

Anal or oral sex between people, or sexual activity between a person, same as Buggery.

Soft Butch
A butch lesbian with a soft side and gentle demeanour

Sense of Humor

Is where you insert a urethra sounds into the hole of your penis

Speed is the street name for the Class B drug amphetamine sulphate. Sometimes speed is used to refer to other types of amphetamines. Speed is a stimulant and people take ‘speed’ to keep them awake, energised and alert.

Informal or = speedometer the Webster presents speed ball as a mixture of narcotics What kind of clothing are gays into then?

Splash Party
Group jerk offs sessions

Matted hair

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Steam Queen
Maritime Derogatory term, Old homosexual man

Sticky Rice
Asian guy with a preference for other Asian guys

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Stone Butch
A very masculine lesbian, or a butch lesbian who does not receive touch during intercourse.

Straight person

Man or woman who is attracted to people of the other binary gender than themselves.

Strap on sex
Sexual acts carried out by a woman by the use of a dildo that straps on to her waist

Female who is lesbian who acts and dresses like a dude

Submissive (seeks guys who are dominant in sex)

Submissive (seeks guys who are dominant in sex)

Sugar Daddy
An older man who financially supports a younger partner

Single White Female

A guy (or girl) who enjoys both domination and submission. To fuck and be fucked during the same sex session.

You know, those people who don't know they are gay yet

Single White Male

The French Canadian expression to describe a gay guy. Although it also have some pejorative connotations, it has in some ways been reclaimed by gay guys and will sometimes be heard to describe a queen

When a guy dips his package on the head of someone

A public lavatory that is often cruised by gay men

Tennis Player
Often used to refer to gay people, especially lesbians. As most female tennis players tend be have toned bodies, and a lot of lesbians like to play tennis (or sports in general) its become somewhat of an underground stereotype for a closeted lesbian. Conversely it also refers to males who are speculated of being closeted themselves, as gay men tend to find tennis players attractive

Transgender (someone who has completely transformed into someone of opposite sex)

Theatre Queen
A devoted fan of the theatre especially musical theatre

A gender-neutral way to refer to one’s self, like an agender version of “himself” or “herself.” One would use this word to refer to a nonbinary or gender-nonconforming person alongside other gender-neutral pronouns like they, them, their, theirs, and themselves. Some folks have even playfully changed the gendered introduction “Ladies and Gentlemen” to the gender-neutral “Theydies and Gentlethem.”

Throwing shade
Giving someone a nasty look (af am term) oftern from a straight man being eyed up by a gay man.

Thrupney Bits
Woman’s breasts.

or 'Crystal methamphetamine' is one of the fastest growing drugs in the gay community. To users it's short-term effects may. Crystal can be injected, snorted or smoked. In its crystal form it is called ice or glass

Tender Loving Care

The active partner in anal intercourse

Tossed Salad
Anilingus and rimming

Term used for random shags

Term used chiefly to describe people who are transgender, transsexual, wearing drag, transvestites, or cross-dressers.

See Transgender. See our Trans page.

Pronounced “trans-plus,” this word describes people with gender expressions outside of the traditional male-female binary. Trans+ people can include individuals who are transgender, genderqueer, agender, nonbinary, or other gender identities and expressions.

A term referring to when one's gender and sex are not always or ever equivalent. Often used as a referrant to the person themself. See our Trans page.

The process of a transgender person changing to their gender identity. This can include changing their appearance, name and pronouns.

The fear or hatred of transgender people or gender non-conforming behavior. Like biphobia, transphobia can also exist among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as well as among heterosexual people.

A transsexual person is someone who experiences a gender identity that is inconsistent with their assigned sex

Person who dresses as the binary opposite gender expression (“cross-dresses”) for any one of many reasons, including relaxation, fun, and sexual gratification.

Can only travel you yours or somwhere else. May be away from home, have flatmates or live at parents.

Lesbianism; sometimes used specifically to describe sexual activity in which one women rubs another's pudenda with her thigh or with a dildo The term originated with ancient Greeks

A man in a cruising area that won't take no for an answer

Trunction Muncher
Cock sucker

Transgender (someone who has completely transformed into someone of opposite sex)

Tit Torture. When it comes to guys, this refers to nipple play, which normally involves biting, twisting or using clamps.


A dance move in vougeing (see vougeing)

Transvestite (someone who wears clothing of the opposite sex)

The practice of dancing or slow moving in a sexually provocative manner such as the thrusting of hips, the groin or buttocks.

Twink is a gay slang term used to refer to a young (18 to early 20s) homosexual man with certain outward characteristics, such as an effeminate manner, a thin build, no body or facial hair, which all contribute to a youthful look. The term has origins of usage in the 1970s.

A twink who is addicted to the gym and protein drinks and is bulked up. Comes from mixing Twink with Hunk.

Undetectable = Untransmittable. It means that someone with an undetectable HIV viral load on HIV treatment (ART) cannot transmit HIV, even without using condoms or PrEP. Is also part of an international campaign to raise awareness about this benefit of ART. Currently, more than 720 organisations have joined from over 90 countries.

Uncircumcised penis

A single male who likes to sleep with couples.

A gay man

Derived - A homosexual male Karl Heinrich Ulrichs introduced this term in 1864 as part of his theory of homosexuality Ulrichs, who was himself homosexual, was attempting to explain homosexuality in a positive light

Vacuum Cleaner
2.A man that attraced sexual to sucking on the heck of the man or boy that he is with, giving a hicky.

Vanilla Sex
Relatively conventional forms of sexual activity, usually contrast to S&M sex

Very Bad Date.

Venereal disease.

A commercial drug designed to treat erectile dysfunction. For men who cannot get or sustain a stiff erection,

Underground dance form started by gay youth, made mainstream by madonna.

Versatile (can be Top or Bottom; may also appear as Versa)

White (Caucasian)

With (for instance, “W/ own place”)

Well-Endowed (having an above-average sized penis)

Woman looking for a Woman.

Woman looking for a female couple.

Will Answer All

Wall Queen
Male homosexual prostitute who supports himself by engaging in quick-sex, often against a wall.

To masturbate.

Wank Mag
A pornographic magazine, especially one used for sexual excitement during masturbation.

Literally someone who enjoys to masturbate but usually used as an insult for an asshole.

Which basically means the same thing as yester gay eccept its a gay man who turns straight.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Water sports
The act or urinating on your partner

Weed (Cannabis) is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back. Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours. Marijuana has also been reported to ease the pain, nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of cancer, AIDS and other serious illnesses.

Doing drugs. Using any kind of drug, alcohol or illegal substance. Geting completely 'Fucked up'.

Well Hung
He is well hung: He has a large penis.

A guy (or girl) who sleeps with multiple people lots of times.

A person who helps a friend meet people.

A hairy gay man who’s neither a Bear nor an Otter but floats somewhere in between. Also, may not howl at the moon if you ask him too.

Wolly Woofter
A mildly derogatory term for a homosexual man (rhyming slang)

Working Boy
Male who expects payment in return for sexual services

Working Girl
Female who expects payment in return for sexual services

Water Sports (having sex that involves urine)

Female couple looking for a woman.

1.The act of transmitting or receiving adult content over wireless devices.
2.Surfing for adult images or videos on a wireless device

Someone who's into urine

Yestergay (n)
Someone who has 'went from gay to straight' magically

Years Old (for instance, 20 Years Old

Zipper Club
An orgy room in a bar, bathhouse, or toilet.

Zoo Queen
A person who wants to be treated like an animal. Common behavior is wearing a collar and even eating out of an animal's dish.

Getting arrosed involving a sexual fixation on/with non-human animals.

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