LGBTQ+ slang dictionary/words
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If you have always wanted to know what those popular slang words, dating abbreviations, acronyms and slang terms mean that everyone uses but were too shy to ask,
or if you wanted to know where they came from, then our LGBTQ+ dictionary is your answer.
Warning: please note that some terms may be used in a sexual and/or depractory context.
If you know of any LGBTQ+ slang words or LGBTQ+ terms we don't have listed, please let us know, thanks.
We have a total of 600 words listed.
All 6 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A free online messaging service ( derived from the phrase “I Seek You”; this term is usually followed by an “ID number” or the user’s numeric code
Instant Messaging (like ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, etc.)
IM me
Send me an Instant Message
In the Life
A commonly used term for a gay man/woman within the black community
Intermediate Sex
Homosexual The term was used by Edward Carpenter and others around the turn of the century, but soon fell into disfavour
A congenital anomaly of the reproductive and sexual system. Intersex people are born with external genitalia, internal reproductive organs, and/or endocrine system that are different from most other people.
Intersexuality occurs whenever a human being has both male and female physical characteristics. Contrary to myth, intersexuals do not have two sets of genitals
In Real Life
In Search Of/ I Seek Of