LGBTQ+ Australia, Australia, Tasmania
Don't be complacent about rights affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (or Queer) (LGBTQ) people. Rights vary greatly by country or legal jurisdiction – encompassing everything from the legal recognition of same-sex marriage to the death penalty for homosexuality. According to Wikipedia as of July 2020, the penal codes of nine United Nations-recognised countries, Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen, impose the death penalty for homosexuality.

Make no mistake, Sydney Mardi Gras is an amazing, colourful, spectacle which is well worth the long-haul air fare in its own right. Thousands of UK visitors make the trip over for the festival which is usually the end of the second week of February, making it an ideal winter-cation for those in the northern hemisphere, tired of the winter blues. But there’s a whole lot more in this vast country with its 16,000 mile coastline to take the LGBT+ visitor’s fancy. Whether you’re looking for night life and local talent (all those bronzed surfers…) in the big cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth, or the beaches of the Sunshine and Gold Coast of Queensland to the natural wonders such as the Great barrier Reef or Uluru in the interior, Australia simply has it all.
One word of warning and stating the obvious, the country is huge and, to Europeans or Americans, a long way away. Internal flights are long and quite expensive - around four hours from Sydney to Perth. Much the same time as a jolly from Gatwick to Gran Can. So budget and focus your destination accordingly if you’re in Oz only for a couple of weeks. You’ll have a fab time.
We have 26 LGBTQ+ Prides/Events/Festivals listing in 2025 in Australia.
We have 7 Regions in Australia.Towns
We have 1 Towns/Cities in Tasmania.Countries




North America

Next LGBTQ+ 10 prides/events
31 January 2025 at Franklin Square
08 June 2025 at Hobart

LGBTQ+ Friendly Hotel

Updated: 16 Jan 2025
321 Davey Street, 7000, Hobart, Tasmania
More info on Islington Hotel