PinkUk home page
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Community section

Here you find all our community information from our monthly newsletters, in-depth feature articles, gateways for social groups to specialist info for Bears, Lesbians and Trans, queer and other allied communities.

Specialist groups

We are building this section with a focus on specialist info for specific LGBTQ+ groups. We have started first with a Trans page which acts as a signpost to other sites which provide important info for Trans people. We welcome any suggestions for further issues to cover.

Bear issues

Lesbian issues

Trans issues

Trans issues

Monthly newsletter

Each month we send out a newsletter and we also create a PDF version, that can be downloaded or read on line.
You can read our newsletters here
News on Prides & more

Features & Views

PinkUk featured articles are a mixture of personal opinion, in depth looks at LGBTQ+ issues and some sponsored articles from advertisers who help to keep PinkUk free to use. If you would like to contribute please get in touch with a proposal.

Features & views


Networks & advice

Networks & advice lists the venues the give LGBTQ+ support or social groups that you can join, a great place to meet like minder people.

Networks & advice

Networks & advice

Our Social:  | PinkUk bsky page  | PinkUk's FB group