Helsingborgs Pride 2019
Saturday June 29th
Saturday's activities are held at ABF's premises on Södergatan 65. The premises are located on the ground floor, there are ramps where needed and a large toilet. The toilets are of course gender neutral. There is a removable ear loop, please contact our volunteers if you need to use it. You know the volunteers on their t-shirts as it says 'Helsingborg Pride' and 'crew', they are available in all premises, all days.
Sunday June 30th Scene Shows & Activities. Conference: Yolanda Aurora Bohm Ramirez
12:00 - Anna Jadéus plays visor for rainbow knife
12.30 - Tina Wilhelmsson plays norm-critical visors
13.15 - DJ Feministpsykos makes the park a dance floor
13.45 - Tami T offers sparkling synth tunes
14.15 - Award ceremony, this year's LGBTQ awards
Please note that the times above are circular times.
In the park there is also the opportunity to make placards for the parade, buy flags, meet RFSL Helsingborg, Ung HBTQ / HBQ and of course just hang.
Location: The music park, Södergatan next to Konsul Perssons Villa
June 30 @ 3pm
Collection in Musikparken (above the City Park, next to Konsul Perssons Villa). Scenes and other activities will take place in the park from noon
The streets belong to us! Together we dye them in the colors of the rainbow and show that we are here every day of the year, even though the standards do everything to make us invisible. This is a manifestation of HBTQ + people's rights locally and globally all year round.
As usual, the parade will be fronted by Young HBTQ / HBG, which shows the way forward. There will be several music sections in the parade and you choose where you want to go.
We walk from Musikparken along Södra Storgatan all the way down to Hälsobacken. There we turn down on Drottninggatan as we go all the way to Stadsparken and then up Trädgårdsgatan back to Musikparken.
All the way we go on a paved road (escorted by a police officer who shuts off the streets), unfortunately it is a bit of cobblestone at Mariakyrkan, hear from you if you need any kind of support from us to follow along the way and we do what we can to help.
The parade is divided into three audio blocks, first driving a car with stereo system where Ung HBTQ / HBG front and determines the music, then a cohabiting partner will go and frontar the third block makes a sparkling car with disco and dance music. If you are sensitive to loud noise, we recommend the rear of the parade. There are also earplugs to retrieve in the information tent in the park, free of charge as long as the stock is sufficient.
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