Keillers Park

Peter has it all: a wife and children who love him dearly, a comfortable home and a successful career. His father assigns all his wealth and the company he spent years building up to Peter, the son he is proud to call his own.Whilst travelling in the local tram one day, Peter rings the bell so that flamboyant newspaper vendor Nassim can board. The two men have never met before, yet when their eyes meet a spark is ignited. Peter, afraid that the homosexual desires he has struggled to suppress for so long may boil to the surface, immediately exits the tram. Another chance encounter with Nassim in the town centre confirms that their meeting each other was fate. Uncomfortable with the pangs of genuine sexual attraction, yet eager to explore them further with this stranger, Peter eventually decides to meet Nassim on a park bench in the picturesque Keillers Park. They fall in love almost instantly.
However, those around Peter abhor this newfound relationship. His wife divorces him and takes the children. His father and sister disown him and he loses his job. And while the joys of the gay scene and an exuberant nightlife provide short-term excitement for the pair, the fate of their meeting one another seems equally intent on tearing them apart, with tragic results.
Extras: Trailer, Certificate: TBC, CATALOG NUMBER: PPD140, RUNNING TIME: 90MINS.
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