PinkUk offers a huge range of Pink-focused articles to suit different interests. We publish articles on the global and UK Pride festival scene, on politics,
on queer culture and lifestyle, and articles specifically for one or more of the different LGBTQ+ communities.
Articles are a mixture of personal opinion, in depth looks at LGBTQ+ issues and some sponsored articles from advertisers who help to keep PinkUk free to use.
If you would like to contribute please get in touch with a proposal. Enjoy and please give us feedback by getting in touch.
You can also sign up to receive our monthly newsletter by email.
A life of flight, still I stand, still I fight
March 2025
A poignant story of what it is like to face homophobic persecution from friends, family and the wider community in Africa.
Henry Wackam, a gay man and human rights advocate from Cameroon, writes exclusively for PinkUk about his struggle to flee persecution and build a new life.
A life of flight, still I stand, still I fight
Trans women in women’s sports
February 2025
Trans women in women’s sports: why a blanket ban is wrong. PinkUk is delighted to platform Roberta Francis, a Trans woman and London-based activist, who has spent
many years challenging discrimination against the Trans community. It’s just not as simple as a person’s physique.
Trans women in women’s sports: why a blanket ban is wrong
Poppers – what buyers chose last year
January 2025
Oliver, from our friends at adult online store esmale writes. 2025 is well on its way, and we hope you are having a good one so far.
We have been busy looking at some data to let you know what the best-selling poppers in the UK are.
The reason for this is that we get a lot of calls and emails from our customers asking which brand of poppers they should buy.
Poppers – what buyers chose last year
My heart attack journey - part three - recovery
December 2024
As I said in part 2, I was determined to recover as quickly and as best I could. So now, after 19 days in hospital, I could finally go home!
But this was just the next stage of my recovery and the whole experience.
My friend James arrived exactly on time on the big day to collect me - my ‘release date' after my 19 days of a pneumonia-induced sentence.
My heart attack journey - part three - recovery
Some ideas for a great adult Christmas gift
December 2024
Oliver from our friends at adult store esmale offers some handy tips on adult gifts for partners and friends this season.
We have a few real Christmas Cringes in the office who would love nothing more than to go into hibernation, eat, drink, watch TV and ignore the world.
But even they (or at least some of them) feel they need to show a bit of warmth in the shape of gift-giving.
Some ideas for a great adult Christmas gift
My heart attack journey, part two - post op
November 2024
My experience of a heart attack and what you might expect. After seeing that cobweb on the ceiling before I passed out under the anaesthetic,
the next thing I knew was that I was in bed, very heavily sedated. I looked like a Borg alien in a regeneration alcove (Star Trek fans will know what I mean!).
I had loads of pads over my chest that were connected to what looked like a HiFi with six units, along with tubes and wires.
My heart attack journey - post op
Explore your kink side
November 2024
You might have been looking at this for a while, or maybe you have been feeling something is missing, or certain urges are not being met.
In this article, we are going to explore kink in more detail than just using a bottle of aromas to lose your inhibitions.
Explore your kink side
My heart attack journey, part one - pre op
October 2024
Some of you may remember that PinkUk founder Dave had major heart surgery earlier this year after a heart attack at the age of 62.
In a three-part series, Dave explains what kept him going in the 19 days he was in hospital, his love for his spaniel Stanley and how the UK's
National Health Service is still such an amazing British institution, whatever anyone says.
My heart attack journey - pre opp
TV pitch - homophobic hate crime in Brighton
October 2024
It’s National Hate Crime Awareness Week (13 – 20 October) so we're delighted to support a call-out from a gay man. Federico is
putting a proposal together for a TV, wit stories about the darker, homophobic and transphobic side of Brighton & Hove which is well-known as being LGBTQ+ friendly
and sometimes dubbed the ‘gay capital’ of the UK.
TV pitch - homophobic hate crime in Brighton
Its gone all Pink at the London Film Festival
October 2024
The London Film Festival opens for eleven days this month, and it’s Pink too. Hosted on the South Bank, London,
featuring 16 international LGBTQ+ related films this year. The festival opens its doors on 9 - 20 October with screenings on select dates.
There’s also a separate stream of in-production films - one of which is worth noting for LGBTQ+ audiences.
Its gone all Pink at the London Film Festival
Post Breakup Adult Fun, I am back
September 2024
It took a while, but I am back and loving life and sex again. Well, they will never be over, but you know what I mean.
I broke up with my fella a few months ago and that kind of broke me.
It was unexpected, shattered my confidence and I ended up a bit of a loner, ignoring my friends and family.
Post Breakup Adult Fun, I am back
Pride's not just a party, it's a movement
September 2024
PinkUk delves into the debate on the commercialisation of Brighton’s Pride festival, one of the UK’s largest, and explores how we got here, suggesting the experience
may have lessons for Prides around the world. We thought we'd fast forward and take a look at the festival now, specifically at some of its interesting community politics.
Pride not just a party
All about poppers
July 2024
Poppers have been around for decades, the first original formulation dates back to 1844, we can thank French chemist Antoine-Jerome Balard for this.
From that point, the formula has had various adaptations and finally made it to the gay scene in the 1970s.
All about poppers
Exploring LGBTQ+ themes in classic literature
July 2024
Guest writer Margo explores the cultural history of queer literature from ancient times to the modern day. Classic literature,
from ancient Greece to the great masters of writing in modern-day languages, is often revered for its timelessness and depth, holding within it layers of meaning
that reflect the complexities of human experience.
Exploring LGBTQ+ themes in classic literature
UK no longer top of the class for equality
June 2024
The UK was once Pinker than it is today; no, this isn't about the colour of its vast former empire on old maps, but about
its top-of- the-class ranking in the 2010s as a beacon for the world on LBGTQ+ equality.
UK No Longer Top Of The Class For Equality
How online dating platforms can support the LGBTQ communities
June 2024
While dating apps cater to users from various backgrounds, they have proven particularly beneficial for the LGBTQ community.
A survey revealed that LGBTQ adults are almost twice as likely to use online dating apps compared to their heterosexual counterparts.
How Online Dating Platforms Can Support LGBTQ communities
Spring & Sex are in the air
May 2024
I am so excited; I cannot contain myself! Spring is here and Summer is coming. Two of my favourite seasons. The weather is getting hotter, and more flesh will be on show.
Soon I will be cruising the streets of London.
Spring & Sex are in the air
What is your personal style?
April 2024
Fashion isn't just about the clothes you wear. It's a way for people to express themselves, their moods, and their personalities. Your personal style is the unique
mix of colours, patterns, and silhouettes that reflect who you are and how you want to be perceived by the world.
Let's embark on a journey to discover what your personal style truly entails.
What is Your Personal Style
What are the most LGBTQ+ friendly destinations in Europe?
April 2024
Europe stands out as a beacon of acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community, with numerous destinations embracing diversity and celebrating love in all its forms.
From vibrant cosmopolitan cities to serene coastal towns, Europe offers a plethora of LGBTQ+ friendly destinations that welcome travellers with open arms.
What Are The Most LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations In Europe
Listen to your body in 2024
January 2024
A new year, and we cannot wait to see what it has in store for us. Part of our business as an adult company is breaking down barriers of sex toys.
A new year is in full flow, and we cannot wait to see what it has in store for us. Part of our business as an adult company is breaking down barriers to normalise the use of
male sex toys and fetish tools.
Listen to your body in 2024
Consultation on Manchester LGBTQ+ development
January 2024
A public consultation has been launched for the UK's first purpose-built LGBTQ+ housing scheme to be built in Manchester.
The development is for people over 55, so people born in or before 1969. This will be the first of its kind, a purpose-built care housing development in the UK
for people from the LGBTQ+ communities.
Consultation on Manchester LGBTQ+ Development
Make 2024 a year for pink power
January 2024
We offer some easy-to-do things to help make a difference and stop us sliding backwards in 2024.
Since the legalisation of same-sex civil marriage across most of the English speaking West in the last decade or so we have seen an unprecedented complacency in many
quarters of LGBTQ+ activism - among people who would in earlier times have been active and vigilant because they understood that things can move backwards as well as forwards.
Make 2024 a year for pink power
It is calendar time!
November 2023
Every year we think that calendars are a thing of past. Who still buys physical material with the internet full of everything you can dream of?
Oliver from our friends at online adult store Esmale explains why calendars are still popular. They also make great presents.
It is calendar time!
Conversion therapy yet another U-turn: Part three
October 2023
Conversion therapy another U-turn by the Conservatives, but this time it may be good new, or is it?
Rishi Sunak is set to ban gay and trans conversion therapy after yet another U-turn on the 19th October 2023.
Conversion therapy yet another Tory U-turn
The politics of Conversion Therapy: Part two
October 2023
While a ban would materially protect all LGBTQ+ people from dangerous conversion practices, people of certain ethnic identities, faith heritage, age and those who
identify as Trans need this legal protection more than others.
The politics of conversion therapy
Conversion Therapy, a threat to everyone: Part one
October 2023
In 2018, now five years ago, then UK Prime Minister Theresa May pledged that what many consider to be a harmful practice known as ‘conversion therapy’,
mainly targeted at people from the LGBTQ+ communities, would be outlawed in the UK. In September 2023 the UK government appears, again, done a U-turn and will
now not outlaw this barbaric practice. We discuss: What is conversion therapies? Why are they so controversial? Why is it taking so long to ban them in the UK?
Who is most at risk?
Conversion therapy a threat UK
Into Kink? Check this out
September 2023
Our friends from online adult store esmale share some insights into enjoying the kinkier side of gay fun.
Many of us love pleasure! I am not talking about the pleasure of going out, socialising, holidays, being loved or anything like that. I am talking about adult pleasure.
Into Kink? Check this out from esmale
Pride in Brighton and Hove - how it was then
September 2023
In the 50th anniversary year of Brighton & Hove’s first Pride, Simon Williams, PinkUk delves into the past to understand the roots of the early Pride movement in
Brighton and the UK and how LGBTQ+ activism, social change and politics nurtured the movement in the 1970s and 80s to shape what it is today.
Pride in Brighton and Hove - how it was then
Looking at that Graphic Web Designer Case
August 2023
For those legal nerds who like watching court reports and legal developments, especially around LGBTQ+ equalities,
the USA stands out for what we would call its 'constitutional eloquence' about so many matters that affect people there and also around the globe.
Looking at that Graphic Web Designer Case
Rescuing disabled dogs in their hour of need
August 2023
August and high summer in the northern hemisphere of the world so it's the season for many LGBTQ+ Pride festivals.
They just wouldn't be the same without our fabulous rainbow-flag festooned dog shows.
Simon Williams, PinkUk interviews dog rescuer Ali Baker-Murphy who runs a UK rescue and fostering service for dogs with disabilities.
Rescuing disabled dogs in their hour of need
My first pet dog
June 2023
Following on from Part one: 'A man's best friend'. Part two: I end up with Stanley a Sprocker (Springer mixed with a Cocker).
OMG he’s fucking nuts. A Springer is maddest of all the Spaniels. If I had known that at the time, I would not have taken him, God I'm so glad I did not.
I was the fourth one to adopt him as he had biting issues and resource guarding.
My first pet dog
A Pride Love Story
June 2023
As the night progressed, we couldn't resist the magnetic pull any longer. We sought solace in a secluded corner, where the world outside ceased to exist.
The chemistry between us was undeniable, a fire that burned brighter with every touch, every kiss.
A Pride Love story
The UK - is it still pink?
June 2023
For several years, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans + Association (ILGA) have published insightful in-depth annual country reviews and rankings
for European and some Asian countries on the state of LGBTQ+ human rights and equalities.
ILGA rankings 2023
Surviving in Silence: The Struggle, LGBTQ+ Rights in Uganda
May 2023
As a human being, you have certain rights and freedoms that should be guaranteed regardless of your race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other status.
These rights are called human rights and are universally defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948!
The Struggle for LGBTQ+ Rights in Uganda
A man's best friend
May 2023
Part one: I would hear on the news that someone had drowned saving their dog, and think what an idiot it’s only a dog, serves them right.
I would see a homeless person with a dog, and think you can't be that skint if you need to feed a dog.
How wrong I was!
A man's best friend
Tribute to my mum, Margaret
April 2023
Tribute to my mum, Margaret: April 1938 – March 2023. My mum was born a year before the war and lived in Instow.
In the late 1960s she took up Judo and became very successful, for a while, she was the top woman competing in the UK.
Tribute to my mum, Margaret
Remembering Paul O'Grady
April 2023
Paul O'Grady, MBE, was an outstanding member of the community and cared a lot for everyone he met. He started his career as a social worker helping young vulnerable
children and their families during difficult times. He later became famous for his amazing talent in drag as the famous Lily Savage on stage at London’s famous in the 1980s.
Remembering Paul O'Grady
Hot adult products to look out for
March 2023
Oliver, from our friends at Esmale, updates on the latest trends and opportunities for safe and responsible fun for gay men.
Before the year runs away with us, we wanted to share some hot trends and new developments with you regarding all things adult. From new sex toys, underwear, fetish, and essentials.
Hot adult products to look out for
London’s LGBTQ FLARE 2023
March 2023
The pink screen beckons: London’s LGBTQ FLARE Film Festival - online and onsite screening.
Whatever else is going on the world, there’s some annual festivals to lift up your spirits and, as it’s March and so almost spring, it means one of the gems in the
international cultural calendar is about to launch: the British Film Institute’s London LGBTQ+ FLARE film festival.
London’s LGBTQ FLARE 2023
Calling volunteers
February 2023
Would you like to see PinkUk improve and having more venues, prides and better content?
Calling creative volunteers with a passion to make PinkUk even more fun and, yes, even Pinker. Interested in learning more and offering/gaining experience in
listings online publishing such as writing, photography, video, design?
Calling volunteers
LGBT+ History Month: an opportunity for reflection
February 2023
Understanding the historic journey of the LGBTQ+ communities helps to affirm LGBTQ+ rights today and in the future, writes Simon Williams, as the UK commemorates
LGBT+ History Month 2023.
LGBTQ History Month
Have fun with the best poppers in 2023
January 2023
We are already nearing the end of January; can you believe it! Before the month is over we wanted to get you up to date on some developments on that we have seen in 2022.
Have fun with the best poppers in 2023
Fundraising appeal for LGBTQ+ young people
January 2023
An emergency fundraising appeal from our friends at akt, the UK-based charity which helps LGBTQ+ young people who are facing homelessness navigate the rising cost of
living this winter. The rising cost of living is affecting all of us, with many people struggling to pay bills and live comfortably.
Among the most severely impacted by the crisis are the LGBTQ+ young people facing homelessness, people whom akt supports every day.
Fundraising appeal for LGBTQ+ young people
USA same-sex marriage rights
January 2023
Continuing our news on PinkUk’s report on same-sex marriage: the new Respect for Marriage Act in the US is welcome but it’s only a safety net.
It does not protect everything at risk from a newly assertive and conservative US Supreme Court. Simon Williams looks at what’s going on and why.
US same-sex marriage rights
Popular types of escorts in the world
December 2022
Escorts are companionship providers who are associated with erotic services such as massage with a happy ending, fetishes, and intimacy. Their services are professional,
organised, and discreet, partly thanks to technology.
Popular types of escorts in the world
Why I would not go to Qatar
November 2022
I would never go to Qatar while it has restrictions on LGBTQ+ rights. This is not because I don't support soccer or celebrate great matches such as England's
recent 6:2 win in a contest with Iran. It’s because I would never go to a country where it was illegal to be gay or to identify as someone from any of the
LGBTQ+ communities.
Why I would not go to Qatar
World Cup 2022 LGBTQ+ fans
October 2022
Is the world’s soccer association (FIFA) failing the LGBTQ+ communities?
If you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ communities travelling to the soccer World Cup 2022 in Qatar, Middle East, this is what you need to be aware of.
World Cup 2022 LGBTQ+ fans
Premium listing images increased by 4*
October 2022
We're pleased to inform you that we have increased the size of images on our premium listings by four times. From 320*214px to 640*428px.
There will be no additional charge of this.
Premium listing images increased by 4*
The Queen is dead. Long live the King
September 2022
Why I loved the Queen and how the Royals have helped us all including the LGBTQ+ Communities.
Why I loved the Queen and how the Royals have helped us all including the LGBTQ+ Communities.
The Queen is dead. Long live the King
From top to bottom, my journey
September 2022
I'd always considered myself a total ‘top’ as a sexual partner. My university days were exclusively active as a top as I came to terms with who I
was and my sexuality, but moving to London and living on my own I found a new sense of personal freedom and acceptance.
From top to bottom, my journey
LGBT Foundation and how you can help
August 2022
LGBT Foundation believes in a fair and equal society where all LGBTQ+ people can achieve their full potential.
LGBT Foundation celebrated its 45th anniversary in January 2022 and supports thousands of LGBTQ+ people who have nowhere else to turn.
LGBT Foundation and how you can help
Don't take same sex marriage for granted
August 2022
Why same sex marriage should not be taken for granted. What US abortion law means for same sex marriage.
You might have heard a lot of noise coming from the US about the threat to same sex marriage.
Don't take same sex marriage for granted
LGBT British Forces Veterans Review
July 2022
Call for Evidence’ is seeking testimony and views from individuals and organisations on the impact of the pre-2000 ban on homosexuality in the Armed Forces.
The Review is seeking to better understand the experience of those who served in the Armed Forces between 1967 and 2000 .
LGBT British Forces Veterans Independent Review
The Ledward Centre Brighton
June 2022
The South's only LGBTQ+ Centre opens in Brighton. This includes café-lounge, LGBTQ+ bookshelves and reception occupy the ground floor,
whilst the lower ground floor will house two community radio station studios, a young people's clubroom, an exhibition foyer, a public meeting room/cinema.
The South's only LGBTQ+ Centre opens
US abortion & LGBT rights
June 2022
The US Supreme Court removes the right to an abortion; same sex marriage may be next. Implications for LGBTQ+ communities in the US and around the world.
US abortion rights struck down. Are LGBTQ+ rights next?
Pride festivals bounce back after pandemic
June 2022
PinkUk, a leading UK-based global listings site that tracks LGBTQ+ pride festivals around the world, announces a recovery in the number of Pride festivals scheduled
since the pandemic.
Pride festivals bounce back after pandemic
Like it hardcore? Esmale can be of help
April 2022
If you like playing hard, our friends at online gay adult store esmale have some great options:
vanilla play is not for everybody. I guess we all start out like that but as you progress in your adult pleasure journey.
Like it hardcore
To our Ukrainian friends
March 2022
To Ukraine and all the people that live there, and all Ukrainians. We at PinkUk are deeply shocked and surprised at the devastation that is
happening with your country.
Ukrainian friends
March 2022
Yes, it’s almost here for those in the UK. It’s that special time of the year for people who have mums to pay love and respect to their beautiful mammas.
Mothers’ Day (Mothering Sunday) in the UK is looming on 27th March with the USA celebrating its Mothers Day not far behind on 8th May.
Mothers day
LGBT History Month
January 2022
In the UK in February is LGBT History Month which plays a big part in providing information and educating LGBTQ+ identifying people about their heritage.
In the UK it is commemorated in February as a salute the abolition of the notorious ‘Section 28’ legislation, passed by British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher’s government in the 1980s.
LGBT History Month 2022
Spicing up your adult fun in 2022
January 2022
A new year is here, and we can't wait to get stuck in. There are so many things to enjoy in life and after the last couple of years we deserve a
bit more quality in our life. At esmale we are very much hoping for a year that has plenty of social interactions -
going out without a care in the world or just jumping on a plane for a holiday in the sun. Also, on the top of the list this year is doing some
serious hooking up and having some serious adult-pleasure.
Spicing up your adult fun in 2022
My HIV/AIDS story
November 2021
As part of Worlds AIDS day, I though I would share my personal experience.
A year after I came out, I was asked to go to a sexual health check-up. It’s bit like the annual motoring ‘MOT’ test – a regular safety check for vehicles in the UK.
They asked me if I wanted to include an HIV test. I agreed to this, even though I thought, no way did I have HIV.
This is my personal experience.
My HIV/AIDS story
A decade of supplying adult pleasure
November 2021
On 12 October, 2011 in South West London, the virtual doors of online gay adult store opened for the first time.
Now, a decade later, they are still going strong with more plans on the way to ensure people can all have some adult fun with their wide range of products.
It is no mean feat to survive in this current economic and health environment, so we wanted to find out how this 100% gay-owned company became one of the most prominent
online-only pleasure suppliers in the UK. We got in contact with them to have a chat and run through the decade.
A decade of supplying adult pleasure
LGBTQ Paranormal Investigators
August 2021
My story from a small Paranormal Investigator group. By Robert Murphy-Smith, Founder of Findings Hauntings.
We think our group is very unique within the paranormal world, as until very recently all of our team identified as LGBTQ, several of our team are also registered
disabled. I put myself on both of these brackets, as I suffer from Fibromyalgia.
LGBTQ Paranormal Investigators
Latest from Scene Magazine
August 2021
We're delighted to support the relaunched Scene magazine (formerly G Scene) to keep you informed about what’s hot on the UK LGBTQ+ scene from arts to
politics to lifestyle.
Latest from Scene Magazine
What is an ‘ESTA’ - why do you need one?
July 2021
If you are a UK citizen and want to visit the best Pride destinations in North America you'll need to apply for an ESTA or eTA for the US and Canada respectively.
ESTA stands for Electronic System for Travel Authorization and is required for the 90 day visa waiver when UK citizens wish to travel to the US.
Here’s some background on how to apply - without the hassle - from our friends at e-Visa.
When applying for an EST
This Summer's Hottest Underwear
July 2021
Even though we have not seen the sun that much yet, the summer is here, and with all the freedom we are getting back we are loving it.
Drinks out, family visits and just enjoy the day-to-day more.
I am not sure about you but during lockdown I have neglected many things such as a good diet, exercising, cleaning and things like that. No one was going to notice anyway.
Summer's hottest underwear
Summer is coming
May 2021
We are loving Spring at the moment and cannot wait for Summer to burst into action! Very much enjoying the beer gardens, outdoor catch ups and showing off our new haircuts!
For many going back to the gym is also a long-awaited source of happiness.
For me it is not so much a source of happiness but more necessity considering the number of take-outs I have managed to put into my body recently.
Summer is coming
Seven Masturbation Tips For Men
April 2021
Contrary to popular belief, the male orgasm is not that simple. It is a complex process involving hormones, organs, and nerve pathways, resulting from sexual
activity (physical sensation) or arousal (cognitive awareness). If there's a hold-up somewhere along its process, it may be difficult or altogether
impossible to achieve orgasm.
Seven Masturbation Tips For Men
Lockdown Valentine Adult Special!
February 2021
Early 2021 and we are still in lockdown, who would have thought that 12 months ago! It is driving us a little mad here at the esmale headquarters. Almost a year on an we are
still unable to move around the way we like and meet who we want when we want. We have lost out on so much fun and human contact.
Lockdown Valentine Adult Special
The popper journey, you need to know
December 2021
These little bottles have been on quite a journey - both from a legal standpoint and from a formulation point of view.
After long and intense debates in the UK Parliament poppers were excluded from the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.
This meant that a specific formulation could remain legally on sale for adults within the UK as the content is not psychoactive.
The popper journey and what you need to know
Major milestone in LGBTQ+ equality, EU
November 2020
Major milestone in LGBTQ+ equality for EU
EU countries that do not respect LGBTQI rights should face financial penalties, said Helena Dalli, the European commissioner for equality.
Read more on Major milestone in LGBTQ+ equality for EU
Gay sex summer of 2020
August 2020
My goodness what a summer! You can't do this, but you can do that... on no you can't... or can! Lots of that and more confusion was, and still is the theme of this summer.
Like many I have particularly been struggling with not having contact with those closed to me and zooming is only “fun” the first few times.
After that it became more of a reminder of how much I miss people rather than a good way to stay connected.
Gay sex summer of 2020
Adult fun during lockdown
May 2020
Now that we are all in lockdown I wanted to share some adult fun stuff to do indoor, I am lucky enough to work for, one of the biggest online gay
lifestyle stores in the UK and have access to thousands of amazing gay sex toys and the hottest fashion and fetish gear.
Adult fun during Lockdown
Ultimate Guide to Butterflies
October 2019
Butterflies and moths have been around for millions of years. They used to be a common sight in gardens, but numbers have declined since the 1940s along with our other
native wildlife species such as bees and hedgehogs.
My coming out story
June 2018
I used to be very homophobic and had a very butch life. Coming out to me was not telling other people but admitting to myself that I was gay.
I had a very serious climbing incident on the Bonatti Pillar in the French Alps, that made me re-look at life.
No way was I going to live. I had two ways to die and gave myself 24 hours to choose how to die after being stuck alone 4,000M up a mountain
for 6 days, 4 days without food and water.
Here is my coming out story
LGBTQ+ slang dictionary
May 2018
If you have always wanted to know what those slang words that every uses but where too shy to ask, or
if you wanted to know where they came from then the gay dictionary is your answer
We have a total of 600 words listed.
LGBTQ+ slang dictionary
History of the Red Ribbon
April 2018
In the late 1980s, AIDS had been in the United States for almost a decade. AIDS became the number one killer of young men in New York City, then spread to
young men in the rest of the country.
New York artist Patrick O'Connel would spend days visiting friends in the hospital, going to funerals, and coming home to a panicked answering machine
message from friends who just learned they were sick.
O'Connel along with other 12 other Manhattan artists who formed the
Visual AIDS Artists Caucus
wished to create a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS and their caregivers.
Inspired by the yellow ribbons honouring American soldiers serving in the Gulf war, the colour red was chosen for its, "connection to blood and the
idea of passion, not only anger, but love, like a valentine." First worn publicly by Jeremy Irons at the 1991 Tony Awards the ribbon soon became
renowned as an international symbol of AIDS awareness.
History of the Gay Rainbow Flag
March 2018
Ever wondered about the history of the gay rainbow flag?
The first Rainbow Flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker, a San Francisco artist, who created the flag in response to a local activist's call for the need of a community
symbol. Baker designed a flag with eight stripes.
The number of stripes was later reduced to six. Blue replaced turquoise and pink and indigo were removed.
"It was quite hard to get hold of the hot pink material at the time," says Graham Bartram, chief vexillologist at the Flag Institute. "So it was discarded.
In those days you had to sew flags together out of existing materials rather than print them out, as happens now.
- Pink: Sexuality
- Red: Life
- Orange: Healing
- Yellow: Sunlight
- Green: Nature
- Turquoise: Art
- Indigo: Harmony
- Violet: Human spirit
Gay & LGBTQ+ flags
February 2018
Gilbert Baker designed the rainbow Pride flag for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day celebration. The flag does not depict an actual rainbow. Rather, the colours of the rainbow are displayed as horizontal stripes.
If you have always wanted to know what all the gay & LGBTQ+ flags represent then this is your place to look.
Gay & LGBTQ+ flags
Gay hanky codes
January 2018
The handkerchief code, the bandana code is a colour-coded system, employed usually among the gay male casual-sex seekers or BDSM practitioners,
to indicate preferred sexual fetishes, what kind of sex they are seeking, and whether they are a top/dominant or bottom/submissive.
If you have always wanted to know what those hanky's mean that are sticking out of guys and dolls
pockets but where to shy to ask, then the hanky codes is your answer.
Gay/Lesbian hanky codes