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Latest news from PinkUk - our newsletter for December 2020

Painting the world Pink - PinkUk’s newsletter No. 8

Brighton pride 2019

PinkUk founder Dave Walsh (2nd left) with Cllr Alex Phillips to his right (then serving as Mayor of Brighton & Hove 2019-20) show support for the city’s Pride Parade in August 2019.
The happy willy company

Wishing LGBTQ+ businesses the best (possible) Xmas ‘n NYE!

Well it’s upon us - the festive season that will be celebrated in land and pretty much everywhere else, whatever the doom mongers, politicians and health experts keep trying to tell us, trying to dampen our spirits.
We understand this year is different and everyone needs to act responsibly but there’s no way governments are going to lock us down or silence us over the seasonal festivities.

The LGBTQ+ communities have been through too much over many years to drop their hard fought gains now.

So we wish you all a fantastic if slightly different Xmas / NYE. Our pinkest love and support to all the brave businesses out there at such a challenging time.

Love & Pink Respect from Dave & the team, PinkUk

Featured Venue: Anco Hotel, Amsterdam

Anco hotem Amsterdam

The Anco Hotel building has faced one of the famous Amsterdam canals since 1640. Right opposite the oldest church in Amsterdam you'll find the Anco in the heart of one of the busiest entertaining area's of the city.

The Anco Hotel has single rooms, double rooms and 3/4 person rooms, so you can come alone, with friends or with your partner.

With a ridiculously short walk away from the bars, the Anco is the hot place for everyone visiting Amsterdam.

Anco Hotel in Amsterdam

Featured Pride: Brighton Pride 2021

Brighton pride 2021

Over the rainbow - tickets for Brighton & Hove Pride now on sale

Brighton & Hove Pride will run from Friday 6th - 8th August 2021, the first since 2019, given Covid, and will incorporate the free Pride Community Parade and ticketed events: the Pride Festival in the park, Pride Pleasure Gardens, Pride Village Party and many more surprises to be announced. The festival’s theme for 2021 is 'Over The Rainbow'.

Tickets are available at


Prides/LGBTQ+ events

PinkUk prides

Making up for 2020 & 2001 Prides

2020 PinkUk have a total of 460 prides and events in 44 countries.
2021 we now have 61 prides and events in UK, and have a total of 169 prides and events in 26 countries.

If you have a venue or a Pride/Event why not add it to PinkUk?

PinkUk pinker and clearer!

pinkuk's homepage

You might have noticed we’ve given the site a wee make over. This included changing the site main menu.     

Venues: this is now split into location, country, state etc and category. News: our newsletters as PDFs and Expanded features. Staying in: think of interests while you are stuck indoors with the pandemic. Help: info on how to get  content  added to PinkUk and help. 

Let us know what you think. 

Prefer to read this newsletter as a PDF?  December 2020 version available

PinkUk newsletter

We're opening advertising for our newsletter. If you are interested in advertising in our newsletter please contact us: 

You can see this newsletter as a PDF magazine (this one) and previous editions on that page. Buyers will have a traditional ad space for the PDF as well as, crucially, distribution to the site user data base in the email version. 


Findings from PinkUk’s survey of UK LGBTQ+ venues

PinkUk's Survey
Top of interest from our recent survey of UK LGBTQ+ venues is that they said they wanted more listings and news on events and Prides (whether virtual or physical).
Second highest priority was more content on community matters with more varied content. Well, all we can say it looks like we can deliver! It’s a mix of what we already offer but adding as we grow. Huge thanks to everyone for supporting us on our journey, and we hope you will see changes and improvements over the next few months. Thanks

Did you know?

Stonewall LGBT in Britain report.pdf

According to a 2018 report by LGBTQ+ rights campaign group Stonewall only half of lesbian, gay and bi people (46 per cent) and trans people (47 per cent) feel able to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity to everyone in their family.

Read the Stonewall LGBT in Britain report.pdf

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We appreciate any feedback please contact us.

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