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Donate to PinkUk

If you are not already listing on why not add your venue.
List anything on Whether you have Hotel, Guest House, Bed and Breakfast, Apartment, or Holiday Home.
Your first 5 bookings will be commission-free.

We only make a very small amount from advertising and this nowhere near covers us for the amount of work that is involved in keeping the site up to date.
A vast amount of time is required from our team to make sure we have the latest information from gay venues from around the world and looking for worldwide prides as their information comes available.

Even a small amount will help us keep me smiling & the site running.

Click on the amount, or enter the amount in the 'Other amount' text box. Then click the pay by card button, or if you want to pay via PayPal, click the PayPal button, after you have selected an amount.


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