Feature/Opinion article
Would you be interested in providing an opinion or view point? Our advertorial rate is £100 per feature/opinion. The article length would be around 500 – 2,000 words with images or video if available.
The next step is to contact us with a suggested outline and we can advise the best way to present the article to make it suitable for our readers and ensure it meets our publishing terms. It would need to focus on issues relevant or interesting to LGBTQ+ communities in the UK or international.
We reserve the right to edit the text so the page reads in our correct house writing style and flow and meets our readers’ expectations.
Some ways a feature could help:
- If you are a shop/ bar / business, you could do a feature of some products/services you sell, then link to them with an image
- If you are a venue, you could do a feature on an event you had or will have
- If you are a blogger, you could do a feature on blogs
- If you have a polite opinion on something that fits with our publishing standards
- If you have an interesting article about how the pandemic has affected you/other people
The article would need a short title, up to five images and or a video, and text 500-1,000 words long.
The current cost in 2021 is £100 reduced from £150 per feature.
The page is permanent (so there is no expiry on a certain date although if you wish to remove the content, with notice, we will do.)F
Email PinkUk with your comment/article and attached any images you would like to use.
Example of a recent feature to help
If you have any questions or you have any suggestions or specific needs, please
Contact us.
Please also read our
Terms & Conditions.