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Add/Update LGBTQ+ pride or event details

Here you can add your gay pride or LGBTQ event, for free! on PinkUk. PinkUk has one of the most compressive list of prides of any website worldwide. This can be any gay/LGBTQ+ pride or event, from anywhere in the world.

If you have regular events, then please add yourself as a venue then add the events to your venue as and when you know the dates.

Please read our Terms & Conditions for more info.

Event details

If you Login you will be able to edit your listing via My PinkUk

format dd MMM yyyy HH:mm

format dd MMM yyyy HH:mm

ie City Park, Bradford

This is the postcode of where the event is taking place so people can find it, not your office postcode - see note on the map

8000 characters left (max 8000) text only NO HTML allowed

Venue map

To place a map marker:
Enter a postcode or Lat & Lon on the left
As soon as you leave the textbox/s the marker will be set on the map
Fine tune the position of the marker by dragging the marker to the location of your event.



your image
Please upload an image to make your event stand out.

Image will be sized to 320 * 214 pixels wide and a JPEG, JPG or PNG


Your Details

Please add to your safe email list, else you will not receive any booking enquiries
* compulsory Fields

By continuing you agree to our Terms & Conditions

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